Pink Cross


PINK CROSS is the national federation of gay organizations in Switzerland. Its head office is in the capital, Bern. Our organization operates nationwide in three languages: German, French and Italian.

Its affiliates are 53 LGBT associations, 34 companies and over 2000 individual members. PINK CROSS was founded on June 5 1993. Its core task is representing gay interests in politics, in the public administration and among the general public.

Through lobbying and advocacy activities as well as an active media policy PINK CROSS pursues the goal of an equal and self-determined gay life. The office in Bern is also an information hub for authorities, media, affiliated organizations and gay individuals. With its public campaigns, for instance a youth campaign and an anti-hate crime campaign, PINK CROSS is empowering the LGBT community. PINK CROSS offers free legal advice and support to its members and is a financial sponsor of many LGBT events in Switzerland.

PINK CROSS is a member of ILGA-Europe, the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), and the Swiss AIDS Federation.

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